Registration Required to reserve a seat. Register Here.
Join Emily of the Canasta Connection at Moldova Restaurant and Café for Game Night: an evening of Modern American Canasta AND American Mah Jongg open play. Open play from 7-9pm. Choose your game! Arrive between 6-7pm if you would like to order dinner and mingle or play informally.
About the Canasta Open Play Event:
Let's take over the cafe at Moldova Restaurant and have a game night! This is a fun social event in the Boston area to play canasta OR mah jongg.
No cost for open play. Food and drinks can be purchased separately. Let's support a local business with the purchase of a drink, dessert, or food item. Check out Moldova's menu here. If you want to stay for dinner, come early since it's hard to eat and play. If you want a drink, dessert, or an appetizer you can order while playing. Thank you to Moldova Restaurant as our gracious host.
We will have playing cards, card trays and a select number of card holders. We will also have a limited number of mah jongg tiles and racks. Bring your own set and mah jongg card if that is your game of choice.