Intro to Mah Jongg: Lesson 2 at Moldova Restaurant from 7-9pm
Email to register.
Join the second lesson of our American Mah Jongg class at Moldova Restaurant in Newton. This is perfect for “second” timers or anyone who wants a “back to basics” approach and review of the 2024 NMJL card.
Expect to cover:
-Review of the tile names, how to read the card, and how to make a hand
-Learn the Charleston
-Learn to play a full game
Who can sign up for this class?
-Anyone who took Intro to Mah Jongg Lesson 1
-Anyone who did not take Lesson 1, but may have taken a class a long time ago or generally can name suits and read a card but wants to learn the charleston and game play from an expert teacher.
The cost of the class is $40 per person + $15 for the cost of a 2024 Mah Jongg card (if needed). We have cards available for purchase or bring your own. Payment in cash or check at the start of the lesson.
Class starts promptly at 7pm, please plan to arrive by 6:50pm.
Food and drink available any time. Arrive around 6pm for time to mingle or eat before play. Let’s support Moldova Restaurant for having us.