Location: BACK BAY (Boston) Location shared upon request and at registration. Game room in condo building. T accessible, metered street parking
Dates: Tuesday 7/30, Thursday 8/1, Tuesday 8/5, Wednesday 8/7, Monday 8/12
Time: 10-12am
Cost: $180 for 5 two hour sessions. Includes handouts and laminated cheat sheet.
Do you like to play games? Would you like to learn a new one? More popular than ever with adults of all ages, the game of Canasta is a fun, complex and addictive card game. We will cover all aspects of the game, using Modern American Canasta rules. Participants will learn the rules and strategies needed to play. Each session will include instruction and supervised play. Meet new friends or learn with your group. Either way this game offers you great brain exercise, fun, and a social experience.